Virtual Voicemail Systems (VVS) are software applications that provide users with a voice mailbox, also known as an answering machine, on their personal computer or a device connected to the internet. Text-to-speech systems have been around for decades, but virtual voicemail is a relatively new concept. A virtual voicemail system uses a text message to retrieve an individual's voice from their phone number. Then, this virtual version of the person's voice can be delivered to callers in one of two ways, using SMS or email.
Virtual voicemail systems are used by individuals and businesses alike to reduce the cost of a physical telephone number. Many individuals use virtual voicemail systems to keep their telephone numbers private. Businesses use virtual voicemail systems to provide callers with voip voicemail service 24/7 access to their staff, even if their staff isn't physically based in one location. There are various types of virtual voicemail systems, and they are mentioned below.
- Cloud-Based Virtual Voicemail System
Users can access their VVS from any device with Internet access. This system does not require an app for the accessing device and is globally available.
- Hosted Virtual Voicemail System
The voip phone service hosts this system, so users do not need to establish their server to use the service. It differs from a Cloud-Based Virtual Voicemail System, where the server needs to be established by the user.
- In-house Virtual Voicemail System
Another type of voice mail virtual system is self-hosted using an external server. This hosting method is ideal for organizations that require heavy call traffic. Finally, an In-house Virtual Voicemail System is ideal for large organizations that require a heavy call volume and are looking for a central hub to host all of their voice mailboxes.
- Virtual Voicemail for Business (Business Voicemail)
Users can access their mailbox only from devices where the VVS app is installed. Virtual voicemail for business has either a local or a cloud-based server that manages voice messages from multiple devices. The user does not need to install any app on their device, and all messages can be retrieved from one central database. Global availability is also a vital feature of this type of system.
- Virtual Voicemail for Mobile (Mobile Voicemail)
This type of system is available as a mobile app. The VVS app has to be installed on the user's device to access the mailbox. Virtual Voicemail system includes voice messaging, text messaging and email to deliver and receive voice messages. Such systems can be accessed using a computer, mobile phone, or another device with internet access.
All the types of virtual voicemail systems have their benefits, depending on the user's needs. A Cloud-Based VVS is generally used by users that want access to their voicemail system from any device with internet access. Many Cloud-Based Virtual Voicemail Systems can be accessed via app or web browser. Once you learn about the variety of systems, it will be easy to understand them better.